Steadfast In Trials (CD Review)

Today we have a double-header! I am pleased to review a book and CD by the same woman, Mrs. Stephanie Wesco. Her story is inspiring, though sad, and this CD is excellent!

Steadfast in Trials

Title: Steadfast in Trials

Musician(s): Stephanie Wesco & Family

Genre(s): According to Amazon: “Christian & Gospel > Christian Contemporary Music”, but I don’t consider this to be CCM in the normal sense of the word! I’d say it’s Godly Christian Music. 🙂

Rating: ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ (five stars)

My Review:

Steadfast in Trials is an inspiring CD. As a musician myself, I was blessed by the beautiful music as well as the wonderful lyrics. I love the Scripture that is interwoven in the songs! It was also nice to hear the family singing together, though the majority of the songs were of only Mrs. Wesco singing (with piano accompaniment).

The only thing I do not like about this CD is that most of the songs on it are not available to buy as piano/voice sheet music! (Or at least I haven’t been able to find that.) Such music would be something I would be interested in purchasing. 🙂

Many of these songs were written by Mrs. Wesco and the man who helped her overcome PTSD Biblically, Mr. Doug Carragher, and since I have also read To Die is Gain (Mrs. Wesco’s book) the songs were especially meaningful. I would recommend this CD to anyone who is looking for godly Christian music!

You can find this music on Amazon or as a CD on Wounded Spirits. To read my review of Mrs. Wesco’s book, click here!

5 thoughts on “Steadfast In Trials (CD Review)

  1. Lilly W. says:

    I’ve been listening to some of these songs. Super good! Oh, I think it’s under the genre of “contemporary” because they wrote some of the songs. (Though definitely not your typical contemporary.)

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